Java Application Engineer

20 September 2023 | San Jose|Beijing

* Follow up application back-end service requirements, design and develop core functional modules
* Participate in service optimization, build a high-concurrency and high-availability system
* Fully communicate with product and operation teams to ensure product development progress and quality
* Optimize system performance to ensure system availability and stability
* Participate in the research and development of server-side basic components, core architecture construction, technical research, implementation and research and development of technical solutions
* Independently undertake the development and unit testing of the front and back of the system
* Output design documents, data flow documents, and interface documents according to specifications

* Have deep experience in Java development, understand basic frameworks such as io, multithreading, and collections, and have a certain understanding of JVM principles
* Master the frameworks of Spring, Dubbo, and zookeeper, and have a deep understanding of the above frameworks
* Have strong learning ability, team spirit and sense of responsibility, good at communicating
* Used to writing documents, willing to share
* Have good coding habits, abide by team development specifications and code specifications
* Have a bachelor degree or above in computer or related majors
* (Prefer) Master large-scale distributed, high-concurrency, high-load, high-availability system design and development
* (Prefer) Have excellent troubleshooting ability, good at handling bugs in the production environment
We also recruits interns.

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