Web Front-end Engineer

20 September 2023 | San Jose|Beijing

* Develop and test the front end of the corresponding product line, improving development efficiency and quality
* Design new technology framework and boundaries for front-end products
* Discuss the technical implementation plan with the back-end team for application and system integration

* Proficient in JavaScript, having development experience in JS frameworks or public components
* Proficient in html5, css3 front-end development knowledge
* Proficient in at least one front-end framework, such as Vue/ReactJS/AngularJS
* Familiar with front-end construction tools such as Gulp, Webpack and Node.js language
* Good at problem solving, learning and communication, able to give feedback and actively promote the solution of project problems
* Practical experience in web security and performance optimization
* (Prefer) Practical experience in front-end architecture, front-end performance, accessibility, maintainability, etc. of large-scale websites
* Good at technology precipitation, sharing and innovation
* Have a bachelor degree or above in computer or related majors (Postgraduate candidates are preferred.)

We also recruits interns.

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